Why water? Our top reasons to stay hydrated.

Staying hydrated is the key to maintaining a huge deal of bodily functions and processes, but it can be seen as a chore to drink 2 Litres or more everyday. 

By the end of this, my aim is to educate you on the reason why we need water every day and what specific purpose it fulfills in maintaining our bodies functionality.

Your body is composed of roughly 60% water which means that in order for a body to maintain all of its bodily processes properly, we need to be drinking a certain amount of water every day. Experts say we might not necessarily need 8 glasses of water per day but it is more just a guideline to help maintain our body. Water should be regarded as a mineral our bodies need just like any other mineral like, iron, calcium or zinc. Here is a small breakdown as to what processes in our body require water.

Maintaining bodily fluids

  • About 60% of our body composition is made up of water so it is essential in order to maintain bodily functions which rely on water alone - some of these processes are: digestion, salivation, temperature regulation, nutrient transportation and more. Our brains send a signal to our kidneys and tell it how much urine it needs to expel or store within the bladder - when we are less hydrated our brains create the feeling of thirst which is an indicator that our body requires more water.

Water can help with calorie control

  • Water isn’t going to create any weight loss miracles for you, however it is an effective substitute for any high calorie drink such as sports drinks, soft drink or juices. By substituting high calorie drinks for water we not only get the benefit of hydrating and maintaining our bodily systems, we decrease our caloric intake which may be a contributing factor in a persons’ weight loss journey. 

Water helps maintain kidney function

  • Our kidneys have a massive role in the body of filtering all the blood that circulates through our arteries and it needs water in order to do that. Without a steady supply of water throughout the day our kidneys will work harder in order to maintain its level of functionality. By having enough water in our bodies the kidneys can do its job of ridding the body of waste and toxins effectively.

Water helps maintain skin function and appearance

  • Our skin is composed of a high percentage of water so naturally it makes sense that water can benefit the skin - water helps create a protective barrier to help prevent fluid loss. When we are dehydrated, our skin can look more dry and wrinkled but with proper hydration it can look revitalised and nourished. Thanks to our kidneys when we are properly hydrated, they take on the role of excreting water rather than our own skin.

Being hydrated doesn’t just mean drinking 2L of water a day to make it to your goal for the day, it can include what you eat and other liquids that contain water as well!

Here are some ways to help improve your water intake throughout the day:

  1. Keep a bottle of water with you at all times (bedroom, car or in your bag)

  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables as they have a high water intake - roughly 20% of your hydration comes from food!

  3. Have a drink with every meal - it’ll also help with digestive processes!

  4. Choose beverages that suit your needs - like herbal teas or flavoured waters.

Written by Josiah Oliveri